Roundtable: MS Learn for Personal Development and In-Class

We will bring together some students as well as professors who have experience using Microsoft Learn to discuss the best strategy of learning AI/ML and using Microsoft Learn in the process.

Amir Pourabdollah

Amir Pourabdollah

Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University

Syed Farhan Ahmad

Syed Farhan Ahmad

Quantum Researcher, University of California Los Angeles

Dmitry Soshnikov

Dmitry Soshnikov

Cloud Developer Advocate, Microsoft

Anaam Sayeda

Anaam Sayeda

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

Rishit Dagli

Rishit Dagli

TED-X, Ted-Ed speaker

Other sessions from: Sessions October 2021

Implementation of Linear Regression using tfjs

Implementation of Linear Regression using tfjs

- Introduction to Tensorflow.js - Architecture of TFJS - Project ...

Kartikey Rawat Kartikey Rawat
Introduction to Azure Health Bot

Introduction to Azure Health Bot

Azure Health Bot enables users to build a Health Bot by using built-in or...

Shreyan J D Fernandes Shreyan J D Fernandes
Yesasvini Sai Meghana Chikkam Yesasvini Sai Meghana Chikkam
Artificial Intelligence in Public Transportation Systems

Artificial Intelligence in Public Transportation Systems

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized every aspect of modern living....

Sanya Sinha Sanya Sinha
Learning Deep Learning

Learning Deep Learning

Recently, Microsoft has released two Learning Paths on MS Learn covering ...

Anaam Sayeda Anaam Sayeda
Project Plant AI

Project Plant AI

Just the other day I was reading some articles and I saw an online news ar...

Rishit Dagli Rishit Dagli
Rishabh Singh Rishabh Singh
Rucha Yagnik Rucha Yagnik
Recommendation Systems and their types In our daily lives

Recommendation Systems and their types In our daily lives

Recommendation systems are everywhere in this world from Netflix movie...

Kaushik Tummalapalli Kaushik Tummalapalli