What it takes to be an NLP Engineer

Did you know? You don't need to be a Ph.D. or a Senior Professional to learn Machine Learning and NLP. All you need to have is to have a passion to know about its applications. NLP is the shining star of the moment in Machine Learning. With every industry looking to apply AI & NLP in their domain, studying NLP & machine learning opens a world of opportunities to develop cutting-edge machine learning applications.

In this session, I hope to provide you guys with an insight on how to get started in Machine Learning and NLP. Even if you're a novice, you will get a chance to make a decision whether you should go for NLP/ML or not. I will also Debunk a lot of myths related to ML.

Usman Khan

Usman Khan

Microsoft Certified Trainer, ML/NLP Engineer , Beta MLSA at Microsoft , GDSC Lead at Google.

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