Teaching your Models to play fair

It is very important to ensure fairness while building an AI system which can scale to a large number of users. Thus, I plan to first talk about how fairness is important while building AI apps. I would then go on to talk about how FairLearn helps us in doing so specifically with the easy to use dashboard interface. I plan to show how FairLearn could be used to assess the model fairness and how it does so. I would then talk about mitigation strategies with FairLearn so as to remove the biases with state of the art models and compare multiple models to perform this successfully. As time persists I would also show live demos about using FairLearn and Azure ML to assess and mitigate fairness in an AI system.


Rishit Dagli

Rishit Dagli

TED-X, Ted-Ed speaker

Other sessions from: Global AI Student Conference

The current state and future of AI

The current state and future of AI

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Sergey Markov Sergey Markov
Dmitry Soshnikov Dmitry Soshnikov
Anyone can AI with Azure Custom Vision

Anyone can AI with Azure Custom Vision

In this talk, we'll cover the basics of Azure's Custom Vision service....

Locksley Kolakowski Locksley Kolakowski
Talk and Demo on Sound Identification and Classification with Tensorflow and Librosa

Talk and Demo on Sound Identification and Classification with Tensorflow and Librosa

I aspire to conduct an interactive and implementation based workshop on the...

Raghav Rawat Raghav Rawat
Build a quiz generator from your notes

Build a quiz generator from your notes

A demonstration on how to create a quiz generator which takes the pictures...

Rama Soumya  Naraparaju Rama Soumya Naraparaju
PySpark : Combining Machine Learning & Big Data

PySpark : Combining Machine Learning & Big Data

With the ever increasing flow of data, comes the industry focus on how to...

Ayon Roy Ayon Roy
How to Build Successful Career in AI/ML

How to Build Successful Career in AI/ML

In this roundtable, we will hear different opinions on what would be the...

Shana Matthews Shana Matthews
Locksley Kolakowski Locksley Kolakowski
Syed Farhan Ahmad Syed Farhan Ahmad
Ayon Roy Ayon Roy
Annanya Vedala Annanya Vedala