Create no-code ML Models with Azure Machine Learning and Microsoft Learn

Learn how to build a no-code regression model with Azure Machine Learning Designer and Microsoft Learn! Regression is a supervised machine learning technique used to predict numeric values. In this session, you will learn how to train a regression model that predicts the price of an automobile based on its characteristics, evaluate, and publish the model with Azure Machine Learning Designer.

Foteini Savvidou

Foteini Savvidou

Electrical and Computer Engineering Student | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

Other sessions from: Global AI Student Conference - April 2021

GitHub issue moderation using Github Action and Azure Computer Vision

GitHub issue moderation using Github Action and Azure Computer Vision

For this event I would like to discuss on how to make use of GitHub Actions...

Samson Amaugo Samson Amaugo
Optimal Architecture for Neural Networks using Bio-Inspired Algorithms

Optimal Architecture for Neural Networks using Bio-Inspired Algorithms

Using 2 different bio-inspired algorithms to find the optimal architecture...

Abishai Ebenezer Abishai Ebenezer
Analyze unformatted text faster using Azure Cognitive Services

Analyze unformatted text faster using Azure Cognitive Services

Do you think that using AI to analyze text is too hard? Do you think it...

Luisa Gonzalez Luisa Gonzalez
Sharif Nasser Sharif Nasser
Acknowledging Edge AI and its fantastic applications.

Acknowledging Edge AI and its fantastic applications.

In this session we will be appreciating the beautiful blend of AI and edge...

Raghav Rawat Raghav Rawat
Roadmap to Machine Learning

Roadmap to Machine Learning

In this opening talk, we will give an overview of Global AI Student Confere...

Kunal Kushwaha Kunal Kushwaha
Introduction to Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

This session will cover an introduction to machine learning, types of machi...

Duc Hieu Ho Duc Hieu Ho